With FMA Onsite V4, there is a change in the UI (User Interface) and allows for a much more robust set of changes which can be implemented from FMA Central. This release brings about the ability to remotely trigger audits on-demand, remotely access Logs for troubleshooting purposes, as well as perform certain actions such as conducting MIB Walks on specified devices. Other settings such as Proxy, Network Configuration and Credentials, and Tasks (Meters, Supplies, Service Codes) can also be set up and configured within the FMA Central UI.

As for the User Interface of FMA Central, with V4.4, there is new labeling to quickly identify different functionalities under the Installs tab, as well as bring the Notify button which allows for users to directly contact an end user or technician via email with the FMA Onsite installation steps and file.

Watch a demo video on the new features here
There is also now a new setup wizard which is in place for setting up a new account on FMA Central. Lastly, there has been the merging of the Manage Accounts page with Manage Install Notifications under the Admin section, with the addition of Templates, Filtering, and Scheduling within the newly re-designed Manage Accounts page.